Chains, Snail Cams, Rub Blocks

420 Chain:  is used mainly on kids bikes and some older classics. #420 chain has a 1/2" center to center spacing between each link pin, a 1/4" spacing between inner plates, and is approximately 1/2" wide.

428 Chain:  Has a 1/2" center to center spacing between each link pin, a 5/16" spacing between inner plates, and is approximately 5/8" wide.

520 Chain: Most modern adult trials bikes (except EM)

Chain Pitch Width Roller Diameter
420 12.70mm 6.35mm 7.75mm
428 12.70mm 7.75mm 8.51mm
520 15.88mm 6.35mm 10.16mm


NOTE: But BEWARE the pin diameter is Manufacturer specifc, so not all MasterLinks fit all chains. 

Common Trials Chains pin diameters:

Regina 520 pins: 4.95mm

DID 520 pins: 5mm

Iris 520 pins: 5.15mm

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