Beta Evo Trials Bikes
The Hell Team are proud to annouce our new relationship with Betamotor and Beta Australia. The Beta brand has a long and illustrious history in motorcycle manufacturing, and specifically Trials competition, and these bikes hold a special place for many riders over the years who have pilotted the Italian marque.
We hope to bring our years of experience in the trials sector, and support the Beta brand with our fast and efficient processes, and access to a greater level of service and support, enhancing a quality range fo Beta bikes from the EVO 80 Junior right through to the Factory 300's in two and four stroke models.
Please feel free to contact us for more information, or to place an order in our upcoming consignments.
The Hell Team crate and freight bikes Australia wide for very reasonable rates. Contact us with your location for a freight quote.
Some great savings on remaining 2024 and 2023 stock (see pricing table below)
2024 BETA Models!
Introducing the Evo MY2024 range with all-new graphics and a refined aesthetic that makes this newmodel both racing-styled and elegant.
The tasteful use of red is used to enhance the grey-coloured base,which instead of being a primary element, exalts the bike's volumes and embellishes the original aesthetic appearance of the motorcycle.
The mill-finish aluminium swingarm and frame emphasise the bike's stronglinks with racing, where the materials are pure and everything is designed for maximum performance.
The main new feature for the MY2024 range sees the introduction of an electronic key that plays a dualrole, combining rider safety functions traditionally represented by a Kill-Switch with an innovative anti-theft function.
The Evo range is one of the most extensive in this class and continues to offer a total of five differentmodels in Australia, each with its own character.
Evo 80 2T Junior/Senior
The Evo 80 is the ideal bike fornewcomers to the sport. The Juniorversion is by far the easiest bike touse for young riders learning to ridea combustion engine trial bike forthe first time. The senior version, onthe other hand, is an intermediatestep between the smaller bike andthe bigger 125cc model, sharing thesame wheel size as the latter whilekeeping the intuitive manageabilityof the 80cc engine.
Evo 125 2T
Light and agile, this is perfect foryoung riders moving up from lesserclasses and making their first foraysinto more serious competitions. Thebenchmark bike in its class, theengine delivers enoughperformance to overcome anyobstacle safely while still being funand easy to handle.
Evo 250 2T
This is the ideal bike for riderslooking for an agile and easilycontrollable 2-stroke with a moredocile temperament and slightlyless power and torque than therange-topping 300cc model. TheEvo 250 is ideal for the amateurlooking for class-beatingperformance combined withprecisely manageable power andimpeccable Rideability.
Evo 300 2T
The 300cc 2 Stroke is the leader ofthe class. A bike for lovers of bigcapacity engines with impressivetorque at all engine speeds, and theperfect base for competing at theclubman or pro levels. The size ofboth the frame and the engine havebeen optimised to maximise theability of the bike to overcome eventhe most challenging obstacles andthe most technically difficult trials.
Evo 300 4T
The 4-stroke model also boasts anengine capacity of 300cc, andstrikes the perfect balance betweenperformance, tractable enginepower and overall usability. Thisengine embraces a completelydifferent approach to riding than its2-stroke siblings. With plenty oftorque and linear power deliverythat only a 4-stroke can deliver,many riders will find the powerdelivery refreshing compared to themore powerful 2-stroke models.
Electronic Key: this new electronic device holds an exclusive European patent awarded to Betamotor(EP3064405B1), and provides an anti-theft function, as well as protecting the bike and its rider. Theelectronic key is a two-part component: one part remains fastened to the bike's handlebars, while theother is magnetic (worn by the rider with a cord around their wrist), activating a mechanism in the eventthey are disconnected.
The device, which was recently introduced for the first time on a Beta model with the Xtrainer MY2024,fulfils the function of a Kill-Switch for the safety of both bike and rider, shutting off the bike when themagnetic contact point connected to the rider’s wrist and the handlebar is disconnected. Unlike a normalKill-Switch, however, the new electronic key also incorporates an anti-theft function, preventing the bikefrom being started when disconnected, thanks to coding which uniquely links the bike to the key,protecting against theft of the vehicle when it is left unattended.
Greater protection for the bike and rider in a single solution exclusively patented by Betamotor for thefirst time as standard equipment
The Evo MY2024 range also sees the following innovations:
• Redesigned radiator grille: as well as optimising the air flow, it also boasts a greater protective surface inthe cap and radiator body area, to prevent these components from sustaining damage from impacts withbranches, stones or in the case of a fall.
• Tank cover: the shape envelops the frame and allows all the cable routing to be covered, for a clean andmore orderly look. The mapping switch is also located inside it which offers a choice of two differentengine maps that the rider can select with a convenient button on the tank cover. This location makes thebutton easy to reach while offering protection against knocks and unintentional operation, while an LEDindicator lets the rider immediately identify which map is currently in use.
• Rear shock: the Evo shock comes complete with all the adjustments a rider needs to tailor the bike andidentify the ideal setup but, with the latest evolutionary step implemented, the bike is significantlyimproved in terms of its progressiveness, responsiveness and damping.
The 250/300 2T models also see the following innovations:
• Crankshaft and conrod: sees reduced interaxle spacing for more rounded power delivery and improvedvehicle dynamics.
• Cylinder and head: overhauled timing and combustion chamber, providing improved torque at low rpms,while retaining engine performance at higher speeds.
• Engine maps: have been optimised to best exploit the engine's power and docility.
• Exhaust manifold: protection has been installed to avoid any overheating and to protect the manifoldfrom impacts. As well as being functional, this rounds out the bike's overall look (also on 125 2T).
Some greatly reduced pricing on remaining 2024 and 2023 stock: (as of January 2025 - please call for more information)
MY2024 |
Model |
Year |
Promo Ride Away |
2024 Trials |
$7,495.00 |
Save $300 |
EVO 125 2T |
2024 Trials |
$10,095.00 |
Save $1000 |
2024 Trials |
$13,295.00 |
Save $1000 |
EVO 200 2T |
2024 Trials |
$10,295.00 |
Save $1000 |
EVO 250 2T |
2024 Trials |
$11,095.00 |
Save $1000 |
MY2023 |
EVO 125 2T |
2023 Trials |
$9,095.00 |
Save $2000 |
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